Saturday, June 30, 2012

Lehi City Parade!!

Wyatt is sitting in the middle with the hat on.  He did really great!!  He waved to the crowds and everything.  We think he had a fun time!!

Wyatt was able to be in the Lehi City Parade today with his karate group and instructor.  It was really neat.  He did really well.  His float/group was towards the end of the parade.  Doug and I were starting to get a bit worried since we hadn't seen them come through yet.  We were wondering how warm Wyatt was getting.  Then they finally made it.  Wyatt did awesome.  He waved to the crowd, got to throw out candy, asked if people liked karate and liked kung fo panda who rode on the float/trailer with them.  Wyatt had been looking forward to being in the parade all week.  He kept asking if it was time to be in the parade every day.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Here is a picture of Wyatt at his karate class on Wednesday.

Another picture of Wyatt at his karate class on Wednesday this week.  The guy in the black is his sensi.  Wyatt is doing so great so far.  He had a private lesson with his instructor on Thursday as well.  He follows directions well and learns quickly.  He has learned alot of blocking manuevers, punches, kicks, etc.  He is loving his class and wish that he could go every day.

We just decided yesterday to put Wyatt into Karate.  We have been trying to decide if we were going to do soccer in the fall, or wait for T-ball to start again, or do swimming lessons.  Wyatt saw some kids in the Eagle Mountain City parade that were in karate and said that he wanted to give it a try.  So, I signed him up yesterday and he was able to have his first group lesson last night.  He did very well.  Some of the kids helped him out and the teacher helped him out as well.  He did great and he loved it.  He is going to have 2 to 3 group lessons a week and a private lesson as well.  Wyatt is disappointed that he doesn't get to go every day.  He had so much fun.  In his first class they did some balancing games.  Wyatt won 2 of them.  He was the last one standing on one foot balancing.  It was great.  He earned some karate dollors from the game that he can use towards rewards later.  He was so happy with winning.  It will be fun to have him in Karate.  He has enjoyed it so far and loves wearing his karate outfit.

Wyatt's 5th Birthday!!

Here are some pictures of Wyatt opening some gifts.

Wyatt's new birthday clothes.

These are some photos of Wyatt's friend party that he had on the afternoon of his birthday.  He had fun.  He had a water party.  They played in a sprinkler, the pool and on the slip 'n slide.  They played a fishing game and we had a pinata.  It was a fun party.  There were about 16 kids there as well so it was lots of fun.  He had so many friends show up.  Thanks to all who came.

These are some photos of the famiy party we had on Sunday, June 24th.  We had my side of the family and Doug's side of the family there.  We had a bbq, the younger cousins played in the water, opened gifts and did cake and ice cream.  It was fun to have everyone together.  Thank you to everyone who had to travel and came.  It was great to have everyone there.  Wyatt definitely got spoiled this year.

Here are the 2 cakes I made for the family party.  The last 2 years Wyatt asked for a basketball cake so this year I wanted to switch it up a bit.  Wyatt loves playing every sport out there.  This year I made a baseball and soccer cake.  It was fun doing something new.  Luckily I was able to borrow the 2 round pans to make the cakes in those shapes.  So fun!!


Here is our latest addition to the back yard.  We made our own sandbox.  The guy who delivered the sand was nice enough to come into our back yard and actually dump it straight into the sandbox.  It was awesome. Otherwise we would have had to wheelborrow it from the driveway back.  So it was very nice of them to drop it off in the sandbox.  Wyatt is having fun playing in the sand.

St. George Vacation

Here is Wyatt and Doug playing in the pool in St. George.

Here is the water slide that they went down.  It took some persuading for Wyatt to go down but once he did it, he loved it and kept wanting to go down it over and over again.

We played in the water at Sand Hallow State Park.

Here are some photos of us hiking around at Sand Hollow.  We also did a Jr. Ranger program with Wyatt so we had to go searching for certain items while we were at Sand Hollow.  In this area we were looking for some black rocks that are in the shape of marbles.  It was a fun adventure.

Deer on the hike at Zions National Park.

A squirrel on the path looking for food.

We also went on a hike while in Zions National Park with my family.  Here is a picture of Wyatt posing.

Wyatt wearing his 3D glasses at the Aladdin show at the Tuacahn in St. George.  My parents got tickets for all of the family members to go see the show.  It was an amazing performance.  It lasted 3 hours.  It was amazing.  They had so many cool special effects.  They had real live camels and horses that were part of the act.  They had fireworks, confetti, a real flying carpet that went up and over the crowd, a water feature, etc. The actors were amazing.  Wyatt loved the Genie. 

The actors after the Aladdin show.  They actual posed with fans and signed autographs.  Wyatt really wanted to get a picture with them but the line was long and it was already around midnight.  It would have been really cool though.

Bumble Bees!!

These are some pictures of the bumble bees that we have that hang out in our purple flower plants in our front yard.  They hang out for a few months on these plants.  They are really large bees.  You can hear them humming too.  It is fun to watch them do their thing on the flowers.